Our team is fluent in the French language

Dr. Henning Hartmann (born 1970) is a lawyer in his main profession and a passionate tennis player for many years. Uncountable travels to tournaments in his home country and abroad (especially France!) have bestowed upon him an unforgettable experience. Henning Hartmann plays at LK8, his classement is 15/3.

Kai-Peter Kaufmann (born 1981)
Kai is our high-performance coach (Classement: +2/6) aside from academic feats (grade in his A-levels better than Petkovic), Latinum, Graecum and a handful of living languages, has been drawn into sports as play and competition at a relatively young age, especially on the tennis court. The game with yellow balls, he has been exercising with professional ambition in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Spain. Recently he reached a place inside the top 100 of the ITF world ranking in men’s singles age 35 and over, and around 300 in doubles. In 2003, he won the German student championship for second division players. His most impressive experience was playing a satellite in Reus (Spain) with Juan Monaco, Igor Andreev and Rafael Nadal. In the coaching area, it was joining his tennis team for ascending from the 2. To the 1. Verbandsliga. Due to his DTB ranking Herren 35, he will get an LK 3 at the end of the year.

Uwe Hansmann (born 1970) has many years of experience and great knowledge, not only in his main profession as a PR & Event Manager, but also in the world of tennis. The sport that has inspired him beyond measure for more than three decades now. As an active player, he achieved numerous individual successes at county level, and with his great doubles talent he caused some stir at German rankings tournaments before he successfully passed the C-trainer exam of the German Tennis Federation (DTB). In the mid-nineties, he temporarily coached tennis professional Lars Koslowski(highest ATP ranking #63) on his return to the Tour after a long injury layoff. Currently Uwe is the top player of the men’s 50 team of TC Grün-Weiß Bergfelde (Verbandsliga) and ranked in the Top 200 players in Men`s 50 in Germany.

Christoph Foerster (born 1980) discovered relatively late in life his passion for the white sport of tennis. Originally, he has been an endurance athlete (participation in several cross challenge championships) and accordingly is responsible for the area of fitness and coaching. He will support the players from a physiotherapeutic aspect.

Tom Bender (born 1965) has achieved a great deal of success in the game of tennis and has a wealth of experience as a coach. He started his coaching career as a very talented player in the nineties in Baltimore, Maryland, before his career took him to Europe in 1997. In 1998 he signed on as a Bundesliga player at TC Gersweiler, playing successfully in the 1st division in Luxembourg in the following years. In 2006 he became German team runner-up in the men’s 30 with TC Nassau. In 2007 Tom won his first ITF title at the Dutch Open Men’s 40. In the same year he won the bronze medal at the European Championships in Baden-Baden. In 2008, he made it into the top ten of the ITF Men’s 40 World Rankings, won the ITF Hungarian Open and the bronze medal at the ITF Men’s 40 World Doubles Championships in Turkey. In 2011 he won the ITF Dutch Open Men’s 45. In 2010 and 2015 he became German Team Champion (Men’s 40, Men’s 50) with TC SW im ASV Landau. A few years ago, Tom moved to Berlin, where he is very successful as a private and head coach for various renowned tennis clubs in Berlin.
Also, see his impressive curriculum vitae:
USPTA -Professional A-Trainer Certified United States Professional Tennis Association
PTR – Professional Tennis Registry Exam
GPTCA -Global Professional Tennis Coaches Association
Sportliche Leistungen:
2015 | Deutscher Meister Mannschaft Herren 50 (TC SW im ASV Landau) |
seit 2012 | Ehrenmitglied im International Club Luxembourg www.luxembourg.ictennis.net |
2011 | Sieger ITF Dutch Open Herren 45 |
2010 | Deutscher Meister Mannschaft Herren 40 (TC SW im ASV Landau) |
2008 | Top 10 Spieler ITF Welt Sieger ITF Hungarian Open Herren 40 Bronzemedaille Doppel Herren 40 ITF Weltmeisterschaft Türkei |
2007 | Spieler Regionalliga Herren 40, Herren Oberliga (TC SW im ASV Landau) Bronzemedaille Europameisterschaft Herren 40 (Baden-Baden) Sieger ITF Dutch Open Herren 40 |
2005–2006 | Spieler Bundesliga Herren 30, Deutscher Vizemeister 2006 (TC Nassau) |
1999–2002 | Spieler 1. Liga (TC Bridel – Luxembourg) |
1998 | Bundesligaspieler & Trainer (TC Gersweiler) |

„Press releases about us“
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-per telephone at 0049 172/ 6487050 (Mr Hartmann)